Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given to you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now, and perhaps without even knowing it, you will live along some distant day into the answers. - Rainer Maria Rilke

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Musings for the day & Leave a Trace

A busy day, but not enough design.  I'll be working late tonight as I finish up the Hope Stout Montage, another brochure for church, and paperwork....which is the part I tend to put off until last.  But alas, it has to be done, and I don't have anyone to delegate to  since I'm the only one working for me right now.  I hope that made (or is it makes) sense?!?   

I'm also working on a t-shirt design for Leave a Once it is approved, I'll post it with a link in case you want to order one.  Leave a trace is a Christian Ministry trying to make the world a better place by sharing God's love with others.
It is a “Go Green,” “Reduce Your Carbon Footprint,” “Leave No Trace” world today.  That is wonderful for our physical world.  But, here at Leave a Trace, we realize that Christians are called to do the opposite.  We are supposed to Leave A Trace of Christ with everyone we meet.  We are supposed to leave footprints on the world so that everyone can share in Christ’s love.
At Leave a Trace we want to help you find gentle ways to share your passion for Christ. Here at our website you will find stories of how others have shared.  You will find ideas and tools that you can use to help.  And most importantly, you will find others who want to share Christ and His awesome love.
I started by working on their logo.  They wanted something that would be an icon and easily identifiable to those who see it. After many sketches, this is what I ended up with. My intention for this design is that it is supposed to be an oak leaf, in the shape of a footprint with a cross in it....although some actually see a fish which is really which is really cool, since Jesus tells us we should be fishers of men, and Leave a Trace is a .net company, and fish get caught in nets.  So what do you think?  (I love hearing feedback and it helps me be a better designer even if it hurts my feelings and makes me think I am fooling myself)

1 comment:

D said...

I personally love the design!