So it's Sunday, and time for an inspiration photo. Today I didn't go out and take photos. Simply put, I couldn't find the time. So I went back through some of my photos to find my inspiration. To narrow it down, I chose from on particular occasion.
Last year I went back to New Orleans for my High School Reunion -- yes, I was fortunate enough to grow up in New Orleans. It was a unique place to live, eat and have fun!! After all, there is no place like New Orleans! I had a great time reconnecting with friends whom I haven't seen in years.
After it was over, my friend Anna and I picked up her daughter A, and drove around taking photos. We would just stop on the street, then A & I would get out of the car each snapping photos....poor Anna, she put up with it, but I know she wanted to be in on the photography too! She's the best, and one of my most long-term friends. We've know each other since 3rd grade. Can't believe it's been so long!
It was really hard to narrow it down. Some I am posting are more nostalgic than true contenders. You'll notice I was in an artsy mood when I took the photos. So anyway, here are some of the photos that I chose to consider:
My High School, which is now an elementary school. |
Can't have pictures of New Orleans without
a streetcar! |
In the middle of uptown, there is is smoke stack. |
Pretty flower from Anna's sister's yard. |
Another must have, the magnificent oak trees |
So beautiful and majestic |
And the moss, I forgot how beautiful New Orleans is! |
Although a lot of New Orleans has recovered from
Katrina, a lot has not. It was tough to see! |
I love all the paned windows, and the iron railings. |
Random sculpture hanging off the side of a building. |
Breaux Mart (the other way Schwegmann's) for groceries. |
Paned windows and iron fences |
Ferns....beautiful ferns. |
New Orleans Water Meter....always loved then |
Oysters, gotta have oysters! |
Public Garbage can...not bad looking! |
The Mighty Mississippi and the Bridges.
Although I never remember seeing a sandbar. |
A tug and a ship...that thing was moving along, and fast! |
A stop sign in the trolly tracks....who'e supposed to read it? |
And you can't go to New Orleans without getting
some Beignets!!
It sure was good!!!
The fence around Jackson Square |
St Louis Cathedral in Jackson Square |
Detail of St Louis Cathedral Spire |
Beautiful iron work. |
On our way across Lake Pontchartrain, a rainbow.
Perfect end to a wonderful trip! |
Now for the bad news...I'm not sure which one to pick. Let me know. I'll think on it, and start sketching tomorrow! Do you have a suggestion?
My choices:
1) The still broken house ~ would be nice to be revived.
2) The baguette ~ food is always top on my list!
3) The paned window & iron railings (the one with the red)
I would say the oak trees because that is also a person favorite too ~ but you did nature last week...
I really loved the oaks with the moss -- but I think that you can find them elsewhere. I like the iron work or windows or the fleur de lys on the garbage cans. They give a sense of place without smacking you in the head :-D
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