Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given to you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now, and perhaps without even knowing it, you will live along some distant day into the answers. - Rainer Maria Rilke

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Wrappin' up the week

This has been a great week.  My biggest challenge so far has been finding time to complete the projects and postings.  But I am passionate about the creative process, so I'll just find the time.  I may not post until midnight, but I will get something done every day.

Sunday: Inspiration Photo January 23, 2011
Inspiration Photo
The week started great with a trip to the park with my daughter K.  In addition to taking some wonderful photos, I had a wonderful afternoon with my aspiring photographer.

Sketching Monday
A sketch of the texture of the fungus
On Monday I picked up my pencils and did some visual sketching. I tried different styles and had some fun.

Creative Tuesday: Part 1, Part 2
A sculpture of the photo image.
Tuesday is about creating in a different medium  or format. This post I had to do in 2 parts since I had a freelance project that I needed to finish and get to the files to the printer.  So I worked on it in the morning while I was waiting for the files to save and upload, then finished the project late that night after the kiddies were in bed. I was actually surprised at the result. 

Colorful Wednesday
Color Adjustment: Channel Mixer
On Wednesday, I played with different filters and adjustments in Photoshop.  It was fun to see how different filters work.  I've used them before, but this time I got a better understanding of what them do.

Graphic Thursday
Final Graphic Image
The image went graphic. 

Card for Friday
Friday was my hardest day to find the time and even though I'm not totally thrilled with the end result, I completed the challenge. 

If you want to take this challenge with me, or even just parts of the challenge, please post your photos to the Visual Tapestry: Creative Journey group on Flickr.  I love to see what you do!

One week down, fifty-one left to go.  What do you think?

Thanks D, KLHood, JoLene, Becky, Julie & Patti for your comments this week!

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