Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given to you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now, and perhaps without even knowing it, you will live along some distant day into the answers. - Rainer Maria Rilke

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Week 11: Where in the blog have I been?

Catching up!

Hello friends, I am back.  I've had a busy couple of weeks, then the logic board on my computer died and I had to send it to the factory to get fixed.  I didn't realize how much I "need" my computer to get everything done.  When it's a tool of the trade, it is a little hard to trade without it!

This week I have been working on a postcard for a art show.  It's a Mother & Daughter art show featuring my mom & her friend Sheryl and both of their daughters. I designed the card but chose not to participate in the show due to time constraints and that while my work has artistic qualities, it is really design.  My sister Kathy is participating with my mom.  It was a challenge to combine all of the different styles & mediums into one cohesive design, but I am very happy with the final card!



The show is at the Johnson City Area Arts Council, in Johnson City, Tennessee.  Please stop by if you are in that area!

My sister Kathy and I have also been working on our website and it is now live...we still have a couple of things to work on, but it is up:

I'd love to hear what you think about the postcard and the website!

And Now, Back to Blogging!

I am going to pick up on Week 11 where I left off.  Then I will work until I reach 52 weeks to finish a year of blogging. To  recap:

Day 1, Inspiration: Paisley
I loved paisley or I did until I started this project.  Now I would say that I am more intrigued by it.  I do love the patterns and color schemes when I am not creating them.  I love the history of them, middle eastern  in origin, but named for Paisley, Scotland.

Paisley pants from Olympics.

Paisley tapestry

Paisley Stamp -- love the intricate detail!

Paisley ties!

Day 2: Sketches and Doodles
I like some of my art to be very precise and exact and I like to draw freehand. Not only is that a paradox, it makes it hard to draw paisleys! But none the less, I have "doodled" some and looked at different patterns.

Stay tuned for tomorrow's paper paisleys!

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