Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given to you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now, and perhaps without even knowing it, you will live along some distant day into the answers. - Rainer Maria Rilke

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Week 10, Day 2: More Photos and Sketches

Today was a beautiful day and I took some time to go outside to take some more photos of the dogwoods so I would have some more sketch references.  One of the reasons that I love dogwoods is that they bloom and dot the brown bark of winter with new life.  It's so just so pretty, unfortunately my photos just don't capture my vision.  Why is that?

Then I did some sketching late tonight.  I also got S's markers and did a marker drawing too.  Then I took it into photoshop and added some colors that S didn't have.  I also played made one of the drawings look like copper.

sketch, sort of what I see...

Now, through the magic of Photoshop,
it's a copper etching.

My marker sketch of a dogwood flower.

What is your favorite flower?  or tree?  Or what do you like best about spring?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Week 10, Inspiration

This week, although quite unseasonably cold here in the south, spring is in the air.  One of my favorite parts of spring is everything coming back to life again.  Trees are blooming, grass is getting greener, and the flowers are all starting to bloom.  This week's inspiration comes from nature.  I wasn't able to go and get all the photos that I wanted yesterday, but I did get a few in the last rays of daylight last night.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Week 9: It's a Wrap

This week just flew by. Is it the time change? or just having so much going on right now?

Blog Tid Bits:
I committed to doing this for one year or 52 weeks, so far I have been actively working on it for 9 weeks. This is my personal journey, just for fun and growth both personally and as a graphic designer. During the first 9 weeks, this is what has happened blogwise:

I am so inspired by this!  Thank you everyone for sharing my journey with me.

If you have used any of the Freebie Cards, I'd love to hear how or what you used them for or any feedback you have about the blog.

Until next week....or tomorrow!

Week 3, Day 3: Playing Clay

Week 7: Inspiration,  My Son

My son's art

My son's art

My son

Week 9, Day 6: Freebie Card

It's a Freebie Card day!  Since I have been so busy with freelance work (it's a good thing!) and a weekend of Girl Scouting, I decided to use my drawing this week of St. Basil's for my Freebie Card.  I hope you enjoy it!

The Download Link

Since I didn't get to create my polymer clay version of St. Basil's, I'll have to add that to the agenda for my 2012 Blog Focus.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Week 9: Day 5, More Lagniappe

It's been a Girl Scout weekend!

I spent the weekend with 11 girls and 10 mothers at our troops Mother/Daughter weekend event.  We got to the eagle's nest late afternoon yesterday.  The girls got to have  some play time before a dinner of roasted hot dogs and chicken nuggets (don't ask).  Then we enjoyed an evening of "Minute to Win It" games.  We all got turns, and actually had a blast participating and cheering each other on.  Our "leader" who planned all of this did a fabulous job.

After a night of little sleep we picked up trash on one of the streets in town....amazing some of the things we found, but I won't go there!  And the girls got to learn a bit about forensics for one of their badges. I'm sure I forgot something that we did, but I'm tired and can't think that well.

Below are some of the photos from the games.  If you ever need some great party games, can't beat Minute to Win It!!!

Tomorrow, the rest of the Russian inspired artwork and card.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Week 9: Day 3, A Little Lagniappe

It is so cool to see something I have designed out in public.  As you may know I designed the Leave A Trace logo for D and the Leave a ministry she started.  We had bumper stickers made and today I was driving behind a car that had one.  The word is getting out!  It's so awesome!! bumper sticker

And my sister K is a polymer clay artist, and she made D a pendant with her logo on it.  I am so impressed with how K has developed her craft! polymer clay artist

Check out the and websites if you are interested in finding out more about either!

Week 9: Day 2, Fun in Photoshop

I am always amazed at how easy it is to change an image in Photoshop by just using filters.  I am also amazed at how many different effects there are and even though I feel as though I know the program well, there is still so much I don't know.

Today I took my marker drawing into photoshop and played with effects. Some I have used before, and some I haven't.  I even managed to learn something new...

Curves, color negative

Pattern fill – pink and yellow fabric;
Difference filter

Hue / Saturation Filter

Channel Mixer

Gradient Map


Ocean Ripple

Bas Relief
This uses the foreground and background
colors to create the effect...what I learned!

Graphic Pen...also uses foreground and
background colors to create.

Do you have a favorite?  

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Week 9: Day 1, Sketching

Ok, since I did my sketches last week, I decided to do something a little different today.  I loved the tracing of the different "onions".

So I took the tracing, then made an ink sketch.  Then I used my son's Copic pens -- they are super cool markers that cartoonists and illustrators use to color their art.  They have an end that is like a watercolor brush, so it's almost like painting.  It did take a while to get used to them since it is a different way to add  color.  Last time I tried to use them, I didn't do like the result.  I think this time, I got the hang of it!

I'm really happy with the drawing.  Some of the colors are not quite the same, but I was using a limited color palette – nice pens = nice price (or is it not nice price?).

Marker Drawing of St. Basil's

So what do you think?