Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given to you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now, and perhaps without even knowing it, you will live along some distant day into the answers. - Rainer Maria Rilke

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Week 8: It's a Wrap

This week has been a different kind of journey for me.  I started the week with the inspiration photos of my cousin's trip to Russia.  I focused on St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow's Red Square.  It is a beautiful and architecturally unique building.  As the week progressed, I got caught up in the MUMC Consignment Sale.  Getting ready for it, and volunteering -- it's all consuming.  The good news is that we made $92,000.  Of that amount, 70% goes back to the consignors, and 30% — $27,600 — goes to Children's Missions around the world.  Not bad for a couple of days hard work!

So this coming week I will continue with St. Basil's as my inspiration for the blog. I've very excited about being able to see this one through to completion.

Week 8 in Review

Week 8: Inspiration, Photos from Russia

Week 8, Day 2: Sketches and Tracings

Week 8, Day 3 & 4: What Happened?

Week 8, Day 5 & 6: Consignment, Consignment, Consignment

Week 8 Lagniappe
You'll love this!  At the  consignment sale I was shopping for those 2 adorable boys that my cousin adopted and I saw these pj's.

They are so cute and my son had a pair when he was little -- Blue's Clues was his favorite!!!  When he outgrew them, they passes onto my daughter.  I just had to buy them for the boys.  I was showing what I got to my sister when she just started laughing and turning red.  Evidently I had given them to her for my nephew to wear and she put them in the sale. Those are the pj's my kids wore, and my nephew, and now my cousins boys...and I bought them twice!  Just gotta laugh!!

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