Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given to you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now, and perhaps without even knowing it, you will live along some distant day into the answers. - Rainer Maria Rilke

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Week 6, Day 3: It's a Creative Tuesday, Part 1

....and allergy season has come out in full force.  Here in Charlotte, the weather has been beautiful, and all the Bradford Pear trees are in bloom. They really are beautiful!  I'll have to take a picture to post.

Today is Tuesday, which means it's time to get creative.  I have been stewing over what I would create all day and then how to do it.  I would love to take a couple of days and create something BIG, but I can't so I'll add that to my list of still want to do....maybe that can be my blog focus next year...everything I wanted to do, but didn't have time, money, space, creative mindset, etc. to do.

When I finally got home, cooked dinner, and cleaned up, I got started with some black and tan paper (they didn't have anything that resembled the golden color of the inspiration sculpture)La.

Then I cut out circles – it's really hard to stay small when I really just want to go huge, get some sheets of plywood, some nails, clue and paint and go wild! (Another issue, I don't have the tools to go big...but if I go up to my mom's, there is a beautiful workshop up there....)  So these are the supplied that I ended up with, circles (and some extra paper), scissors, glue gun & glue stick, X-acto knife (beware kids, not a toy to play with!!!), cardboard.

And this is where I ran out of steam, so this week I am combining day 3 & 4 together, and will finish my masterpiece tomorrow.

Lagniappe.....cajun for a little something extra
This is our cat Lily.  She love to get into boxes and sit on paper.  If you put a piece of paper on the table or couch, she will sit on it.  If you have an empty box, she will get in it.....even if she doesn't fit! Sorry it's blurry, but I think it's still funny!

Fat Lily

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