Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given to you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now, and perhaps without even knowing it, you will live along some distant day into the answers. - Rainer Maria Rilke

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Week 7, Day 1: Inspiration, My Son

Yesterday was my son's 14th birthday.  I can't believe my baby boy is 14.  The years have gone quickly and he continues to grow in every way.  Although I miss the younger years, I love the young man he is becoming.  He is thoughtful and sweet, creative and loving.  He's also a teenager....enough said!

These are a few photos of S thru the years...most of my old photos are not digital, so I didn't post any baby photos.

This is me and my buddy boy when he was about 2

S at Jersey Shore spring break 2005.
He has always loved the water...doesn't matter that it
was freezing cold!  He still got soaked in the waves.

In the creek at the mountain house in Smokey Mtns.
Also freezing water!

S with his dad, summer 2010.

S a few weeks ago when he got his new glasses.

S has always loved the water.  It doesn't matter if it is freezing out and the water is cold, he would go in it.  My inspiration photos this week come from a trip to Charleston, SC in 2003 when S was about 5.  

Not far from our hotel there was this fountain, and it didn't have sides like a normal fountain.  And the water had high arches so you could run under them.  S begged us to let him run under them, and promised that he wouldn't get wet.  It wasn't cold out, but it was still early spring so there was a cool wind, so we said yes, as long as he didn't get wet.  He did good for a while, but eventually, he ended up getting wet. He was having so much fun that we just let him play until he had enough.  I think he provided quite a bit of entertainment for the people there, and frustration to some parents who wouldn't let their kids do the same!  

There was one amateur photographer there who asked if we would mind if he took photos of S, he even said he would send them to us if we would make a donation to the American Heart Association – that was a no brainer!  Several weeks later when we got the photos, we were blown away.  You can see why!

My Favorite!

I just smile every time I see these photos.  I still enjoy watching my kids when they are doing something that gives them pure joy!

1 comment:

Cat said...

I can't believe he's already 14! I love his new hair cut and new glasses - it makes him look so grown up and you can see his face! He's really a cute kid! I love the fountain pictures because they just capture the essence of being a kid....and they remind me of Jonah!

I love your blog! I may not comment all the time but I try to stay up to date with it!