Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given to you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now, and perhaps without even knowing it, you will live along some distant day into the answers. - Rainer Maria Rilke

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Week 6, Day 6: Freebie Friday Card

This week's final card image:

The Download Link

My Process:
Since I didn't do a Graphic Day this week – part of my process – I had a longer process for the card. And my final image does not look anything close to my starting image.

Working in Adobe Illustrator, I had decided to use one of my sketches as inspiration for my card design. 

Then I added color.  I tried a complementary color palette, and, trying to go out of my comfort zone, it's not a palette that I would normally pick.

It's looking a little flat.  So I added a drop shadow to add depth.  I still wasn't satisfied so I also added some texture too.

And although the colors are not that bad, I just wasn't feeling it (my theme for the week).  So I changed the colors.

Still not happy, I started all over and changed everything, including programs. So I went into photoshop and started with a textured background, and added layers of lines at different opacity, and with different effects and ended up with this:

TShirt Status
I am still working on the t-shirt.  We are finding out that it's not as simple as it seemed.  

We were doing good with S's shirt until we got to the screening part.  I expected a thicker paint (yellow), and it just soaked right into the shirt (red).  So we are letting it dry , then we will re-screen with a white base coat, and then try the yellow over it.  Hopefully that will help!  If anyone has experience with screening, let me know what kind of ink is best!

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