Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given to you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now, and perhaps without even knowing it, you will live along some distant day into the answers. - Rainer Maria Rilke

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Week 6, Day 5: Getting Creative

This morning I got up and checked FB.  One of my friends posted this video, and I was rolling on the floor laughing...

So, I started the day in a good mood! I have always loved Tom Hanks, since his days of "Bosom Buddies" (yes, I know I'm dating myself, but just look a couple of posts back and you'll see my age on my birthday cake....although it is wrong, sorry Don!)

Well I worked on my creative 3-d art piece.  I'm not really excited about it, and really don't like it.  I would have loved to work bigger, and with wood and metal (adding to my list for things to revisit next year!). Here it is:

I think the photo looks better than the actual piece!

But, this afternoon, my son, S,  finally decided to get out his silk screen set he got for Christmas and make a t-shirt.  He's still working on it, but I will so you a photo after he gets it finished. It's a chemical free process that my sister found online.  It was so much fun to see it work. What I am really excited about is that I am going to make a set of t-shirts for my family with my graphic image from this week on it tomorrow!!  I will also post the Freebie Friday card.

Lagniappe.....cajun for a little something extra
Tonight is the Muse Mardi Gras Parade in New Orleans.  Have fun ladies!!!!  I hope that one day soon I'll be able to get back down for Mardi Gras and show my kids what it is all about!

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