This morning when I woke up, one of the cats was going nuts for her breakfast. Of course we were out of food! So I had to run to Target and get them some food and litter. When I got to target, I looked down and this is what I saw....
oops! |
yes, I forgot to put my jeans on, BUT on the bright side, I did have my pj pants on! I hoped this was not a sign of how my day would go :-/ ! And, actually, it wasn't too bad. I finished up the 2nd of 2 major projects that I have been working on .... YAY!
Then I tried to work on my website update...why is it that I can design anything for anyone else, but when it comes to designing for myself, it just doesn't work? Is that Murphy's Law or something?
So throughout the day I have been thinking about what I can use to create an art piece that stimulates the look of water in a water fountain. I have thought of splattering paint, putting string in starch and unraveling it, playing with hot glue and the strings it produces. Then it hits me as I'm watching a cooking show.... sugar strings...I've seen them do it in the cooking competitions...when they make those french cake I dare try it?
I dared, but I had to wait until K was busy watching American Idol. She loves to help me in the kitchen, and having her in there while I'm playing with boiling sugar is an accident waiting to happen.
So here is the story of my sugar creation:
put the sugar and water in the pot... |
and prepared the stringing station... |
found a tool that should help make strings... |
watched the sugar boil... |
waiting for sugar to string
(no, that's not the technical term).... |
watching the sugar boil.... |
testing for spinning a thread
(is that the technical term?).... |
it's spinning a thread.... |
BUT, it didn't work....
they make it seem so easyon the cooking shows..... |
So I took some cool photos... |
might make a cool background image... |
kinda like water droplets.... |
just love this one, in focus and out of focus... |
and one more....
and the last one. |
Even though it didn't work like I planned, I used what I had to make a different kind of creation. And explored a bit of photography -- as much as I could with my Nikon CoolPix. I'm in the process of looking at new DSL's, specifically the Nikon 3100 and hoping to be able to get one soon!
So when life gives you lemons, make art!
1 comment:
Andrea is back! That is so awesome! Love it! And I believe it is next week that Chick fil-a all around Charlotte is having their breakfast for dinner day. If you wear pjs to Chick fil-a between 5 - 8 that evening (maybe Monday or Tuesday) you get a free chicken biscuit. You were just getting ready!
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