Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given to you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now, and perhaps without even knowing it, you will live along some distant day into the answers. - Rainer Maria Rilke

Monday, February 28, 2011

Week 6, Day 2: It's a Bit Sketchy

Tonight while flipping channels trying to find something decent to watch (and with no success may I add) I picked up my sketch book just started sketching.  After sketching pieces of the sculpture, I did a sketch of a random pattern of squares and circles.  I like the direction of the detail piece I started but didn't got all wonky since I didn't do a rough sketch first and because I started it at the edge of the paper. What was I thinking?

This could be from Star Wars!

I look at this and then look at the inspiration photo
and wonder, where did it come from?

Lagniappe....cajun for a little something extra
Here are some additional photos that K took of the sculpture.  Some are out of focus, but I love the lighting so I thought I'd share.  

Until tomorrow...


D said...

Wonky? As in Willy?

I love that God took everything good off of the TV so that you had to focus on YOU and building up YOU for a bit! Also love that you did NOT PRE sketch your SKETCH! Isn't that what sketching is all about? Who ever heard of pre-sketching a sketch???????

D said...

Abby says that I need to apologize for my last comment. She says that I was rude. You know what you are doing. So I am truly sorry for being rude. Love you!

Now she read my apology and she says that I sound too sarcastic. I need her to go away.

You know that I love you and I want you to be you and do the best that you can do! Sorry if I come across harsh sometimes.

(I hope that Abby finds that better, but she isn't looking, so I'm pressing send!)

AndreaS said...

I love Abbs, and I love you! As to pre-scketching, it's sort of like making a plan before building a house, or for you, like writing out your ideas before developing curriculum. Most of the time I would say that art just doesn't happen, it's a process, and depending on what kind of sketching I am doing, I do a pre sketch.

D said...

Ah, that makes sense. I had never thought of it that way. Kinda like a Venn Diagram of all of your thoughts before you put down your rough draft.

Wow, I am learning a lot about art! Keep up the great education that you are giving us, your followers!