A Bit of Reflection
This is the end of the 5th week in my creative journey. I can't believe it's already been over a month! Before I started this challenge, I was worried about it being too difficult and hard. And although there are days where I do struggle to find the time to devote to it, I look forward to doing it.
One of the hardest parts of this challenge has been putting my work on the web and sharing it. I don't know who looks at it, or what they think of it. Before I started on this journey, D and I talked about what my expectations were for the blog. Would I be willing to do take this journey if no one ever looked at my blog, or commented on it. Was I taking this journey for me and my personal growth or was I trying to get support from adoring fans or somehow make money from it? How am I going to stay focused on the journey and not all the hoopla (so far there is none, so I don't have to worry!)?
This is a journey for myself, a focus in my life and on myself. I am willing to share my journey, and hope that I can somehow inspire others. But, it is hard not to get caught up in the numbers, to see growth and more followers and not get overly exited. It's also easy to get overwhelmed with now having followers and feeling the pressure to get something great out every day. My original challenge was to get something posted everyday – good bad or ugly. I have problems with bad and ugly posts, the ones that I either don't have the time to develop, or they don't go the look like what I imagined in my head. Those are usually the days I don't post, 'cuz, once it's out there, it's out there! After all, who wants to portray themselves out there in bad or ugly way? It's something I will work on...it's part of my journey and if I am willing to it, I need to share it all!
Week 5 Recap
Day 1: Inspiration – Signs, Words & Typography
Day 2: It's A Little Sketchy
Day 3: Fun with Fonts
Day 4: More Fun with Fonts
Day 5: Type Design, Part 1 & Part 2
Day 6: Freebie Friday, Part 1 & Part 2

This is the journal of my "Year Long Journey of Creative and Self Discovery." Earlier this year I found myself running in circles and struggling to find a direction. I was challenged by a friend to commit to a blog for one year. She encouraged me to develop a weekly structure, and to post every day, even if I have nothing to post.
Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given to you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now, and perhaps without even knowing it, you will live along some distant day into the answers. - Rainer Maria Rilke
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